लीगल शादी के लिए सबसे अच्छा आर्यसमाज कौन सा है
Why should one marry at Aryasamaj Temple (Regd.) Amritpuri, East of Kailash opp Iskcon temple Delhi. This temple is registered with the Government of India, it is best for a legal marriage, for marriage, take full papers and get them married in full customs. After getting married to this temple, no notice goes to the house nor is any house given to the people, this temple helps and helps after the marriage.आर्यसमाज मंदिर (Regd.) अमृतपुरी, ईस्ट ऑफ कैलाश opp Iskcon temple दिल्ली, में शादी क्यो करना चाहिये। यह मंदिर भारत सरकार से रजिस्ट्रेशन है यह कानूनी शादी के लिए सबसे…